Lateral Raises
Targets: Shoulders, especially the lateral and anterior heads of the deltoid
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
The side lateral raise is an effective shoulder-strengthening movement designed to isolate the lateral head of the deltoid muscle. Performed regularly, this can help you develop stronger, broader shoulders. All you need is a pair of light dumbbells and enough shoulder flexibility to abduct your arms (lifting the weights out and away from your body) until they form a "T" shape at your shoulders.
Farmer's Walk
Targets: A full body workout, targeting the quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, erectors, upper back, traps, lats, abs, biceps, triceps, forearms, and hand muscles.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells / make shift weights (ie. water bottles)
The farmer’s walk is a movement in which a weighted implement is deadlifted from the floor and carried for a distance.
The farmer’s walk can be an excellent addition to a strength training program or performed on its own as cardio.
Calf Raises
Targets: Back of your lower legs, specifically the gastrocnemius muscle that runs down your leg and the soleus muscle near your Achilles tendon.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells / make shift weights (ie. water bottles)
Training your calves is important because of the wide use of those muscles, including during walking, running, jumping, and moving your body during functional movements. Your calves are an extremely powerful and tough muscle group that propels you forward and raises your entire body many times a day when you walk.
Targets: Increase core strength, core stability and improve your posture. Deadlifting trains most of the muscles in the legs, lower back and core. These are all muscles responsible for posture, which will help keep your shoulders, spine, and hips in alignment.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells / weight/ bar
All deadlift exercises begin with the weight roughly in line with the middle of your foot before bending forward and picking up the object. Deadlifts are highly effective at increasing functional strength due to the activation of your largest lower body muscles. They also train you for the functional activity of safely lifting objects off of the floor, which is a key skill for day-to-day activities.
Dumbbell Flys
Targets: Shoulders, chest, and triceps
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
This exercise can help open up your chest muscles. Chest openers may help reduce upper back pain, increase range of motion, and reduce tightness in the upper body.
Step Ups
Targets: Quadriceps & Hamstrings
Equipment Needed: No weights/ Dumbbells
A step-up is a simple body resistance exercise that works muscles in the legs and buttocks. A step-up targets the quadriceps and hamstrings as well as the gluteal muscles in the buttocks. This is a good general lower body conditioning exercise.
Glute Bridges
Targets: Increase stability in your core, build strength in your glutes, and help you with form and function as you perform other exercises.
Equipment Needed: None
It strengthens your core muscles, which help you in everyday activities as well as improves your performance in other exercises and sports.
Sit to Stand
Targets: Thighs & Core Muscles
Equipment Needed:Chair/ Box
Strengthens your lower body and helps you maintain or improve your mobility and independence. The end goal is to do the sit-to-stand exercise without using your hands. This will be easier as you become stronger
Leg Raises
Targets: Core, hips & lower back.
Equipment Needed: None
Benefits of leg raises include strengthening your core muscles, which can help prevent low back pain. In turn, with additional core-building moves, you might see that pain dissipate. Choose from multiple types of leg raises to mix things up when you work out.
*Most of our participants perform with head on mat.
Front Raises
Targets: Shoulder muscles (deltoids) & the upper chest (pectorals).
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells
It is an isolation exercise for shoulder flexion and can help you build strength and definition in the front and sides of your shoulders. In daily life, you need strong shoulders to lift objects safely.
Ball Squats
Targets: Strengthen your lower body. Hamstring / Quads.
Equipment Needed: Ball
Ball Squats are very beneficial for your legs and back. Swiss ball used for the squats helps you develop balance, stability, and good posture.
Targets: Core, glutes and legs.
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells or bodyweight.
Lunges increase muscle mass to build up strength and tone your body, especially your core, glutes, and legs. Improving your appearance isn't the main benefit of shaping up your body, as you'll also improve your posture and range of motion.
Wood Choppers
Targets: Core, back muscles.​
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells / kettlebell
Many exercises work the core, but few work it as intensely as the wood chop. This exercise keeps your trunk activated in a rotational movement pattern, as well as multiple abdominal and back muscles for stability. In addition, your legs and arms provide stability and mobility.
Push Ups
Targets: Core, Upper Body.​
Equipment Needed: None
Push Ups can help build muscle tone and strength in the upper body. Other potential benefits include improved cardiovascular health and better support around the shoulder joints.
Seated leg lifts
Targets: Lower Abdominals and Hip Strength​
Equipment Needed: Chair
Our hips and lower abs work hand in hand with our glutes, quads, and hamstrings to mobilize and control our core. The seated leg lift requires us to engage these muscles as we raise and lower our legs, which strengthens them over time.
Targets: Core​
Equipment Needed: None
Abdominal crunches are designed to tone the core muscles of the body. The exercise aids in strengthening the core muscles, improving the posture, and increasing the mobility and flexibility of the muscles.